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Thursday, 06 February at 5.15pm - NSWBAR Common Room - Vicarious trauma at the Bar
Vicarious trauma at the Bar:
-What it is and how to recognise it
-Practical guidance and strategies
-How to address it: sources of support, help and treatment
Starting at 5.15pm, please join the wellbeing committee in a panel discussion on this important topic involving, Magistrate Erin Kennedy, Deputy President, Mental Health Review Tribunal, Dr David Goldman, clinical and forensic psychologist, Gillian Mahony SC, 8 Wentworth Chambers, Nicholas Broadbent SC, Public Defenders Chambers and Jenny Houen, Bar Care. This is an issue that can arise in all practice areas.
Please note: Only NSW barristers or members of the NSW Bar Association can register for CPD’s or webinars.
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