General Information relating to the NSW Bar Association

February 2024 Bar Exam



There have been some important changes to the NSW Bar Examination. 

All information regarding these changes is detailed on our website.

Before you start preparing your registration, please take the time to thoroughly read the relevant information and policies.

NSW Bar Association Bar Exam Policy

NSW Bar Association - Bar Exams

NSW Bar Association Bar Practice Course

NSW Bar Association Bar Practice Course Policy

NSW Bar Association Bar Exam Information Guide

ExamSoft Introduction Video

Starting an Exam - Video

Taking an Exam - Video

Submitting an Exam - Video

Further questions? Please contact



We strongly recommend that you watch the introduction to ExamSoft video before registering for the exam: 

click here -  

For further information regarding ExamSoft please visit:

Candidates will complete the examination by typing their answers on a laptop computer and will need to download proprietary security software to sit the examinations. 

A link and unique ID will be provided to all candidates no later than 1 week after registration close, to download the proprietary security software. All candidates are required to download the software to ensure their laptops meet the minimum system requirements. Check Minimum System Requirements


Laptop Registration Process 

(candidates who select to hire a NSWBA Laptop will need to complete steps 1-3 only on a separate device)

(1)  Payment of fees at time of exam registration;

(2)  Installation and Registration of the Examplify software;

(3)  Candidates must download the ExamSoft Instruction file, complete the tutorial and upload their answer file by the published date;  and

(4)  Download the (2) exam files (AM & PM) (date provided on candidate noticeboard), there will be no late applications accepted thereafter.

A Mock Exam is provided to candidates using Examplify after step 3 of the Laptop Registration Process has been completed. Once the candidate enters the Mock Exam they cannot attempt this again, they must complete the Mock Exam in one sitting once the password has been entered. The Mock exam is not marked and no feedback is given.


If your approved laptop computer has technical issues after registration close and you cannot find a replacement immediately, candidates will be required to pay the $150 laptop hire fee.

On the day of the examination, 2 question papers (1 for each sitting) will be provided to each candidate and they will be required to type all answers into the software. 

At the end of each examination session, candidates will be required to submit their answers electronically before exiting the exam room. 

Interstate and overseas candidates will sit under the same examination conditions and will be required to follow the same process as Sydney based candidates.


Upon registering for the Bar exam, candidates are provided with a login to the exam candidate noticeboard (password protected) to access examination material, including reading lists and regular communication. 

Examination tutorials are also offered by the Bar Association in the weeks prior to the examination, dates will be published after registration close

Lectures will be offered to registered candidates after registration close. The Bar Association does not endorse courses provided by bodies other than the Bar Association.


Candidates may apply as 'distance candidates' if qualified by one of the following:

1) Candidates who live more than 100km's from Sydney city;

2) Candidates who reside Interstate;

3) Candidates who reside Overseas.

 Please refer to the Distance Candidates - Examination Requirements for further information. 

Distance candidates are required to return a signed undertaking and separate undertaking on behalf of their supervisor. Please download and return to before the registration deadline.

Please download Supervisor Undertaking

Please download Candidate Undertaking

PLEASE NOTE NEW PROCESS - As part of your distance application, candidates will be required to supply a signed Statutory Declaration from their exam supervisor confirming their identity as well as their status as a distance candidate (ie. Confirming your address and application to sit as a distance candidate is true).

This must be submitted to where it will be verified, following this, distance candidates will be notified by of their Approval Status to sit as a distance candidate.

In addition to the above documents, candidates must successfully register for the examination including full payment.


 Candidates should refer to the Bar Examination Policy before submitting their application. 

 Documentation is required at time of registration. Failure to provide documentation at the time of registration may result in the NSWBA being unable to accommodate your specific requirements. If you have further questions, please contact 

 Candidates must provide:

·        A detailed written application that clearly indicates the provisions for which the candidate is applying, indicating how the disability affects the candidate in examination situations.

·        Evidence of the disability in the form of a medical report with the appropriate diagnosis.

·        A current medical or other relevant specialist's report which clearly states why the candidate needs the provision/s and what those provisions should be.

·        The following form must also be completed & emailed to 

Provision Application Form


Exam results will be made available via the registered email. Date TBA.